Pulse Width Modulation - If you flip an LED on and off quickly enough, you can control the brightness!
"""PWM Demo CodeBreadstick InnovationsApril 26, 2024https://learn.breadstick.ca/breadstick/breadsticks/raspberry-breadstick/code-examples/pwmduty_cycle is a 16-bit integer2^16 = 65536 values0 is one of those values,so the range is 0-65535.range(start,stop,step)range(0,10,1) = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9range(10,0,-1) = 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1"""from board import*from pwmio import PWMOutfrom time import sleepled_5 =PWMOut(D5, frequency=500, duty_cycle=0)whileTrue:for i inrange(0,65535,100): led_5.duty_cycle = isleep(0.001)for i inrange(65535,0,-100): led_5.duty_cycle = isleep(0.001)